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Affiliate membership

SAA MembershipStanford Affiliate & Friend of Stanford

Become a Member

Thanks for your interest in a Stanford Alumni Association membership! Look below for more details about who qualifies for an Affiliate or a Friend of Stanford membership at SAA.

Stanford Affiliate

Stanford faculty, staff, interns, residents, fellows, certificate holders, postdocs, retirees, Travel/Study participants, and Stanford parents can purchase an Affiliate membership for $795.

Friend of Stanford

Anyone who is not a Stanford alumni or affiliate can purchase a Friend membership for $995.

Membership Benefits

Check out the selection of benefits you’ll enjoy as a Stanford Affiliate or Friend of Stanford member. Note that not all Stanford Alumni member benefits are available to affiliates and friends.

10% off Stanford Live performances

Get 10% off most Stanford Live performance tickets for you and a guest. Valid on online, in-person, and phone orders. Log in with your SAA credentials to access the discount.